Truth Detector: A Game of Honesty and Insight

Truth Detector: A Game of Honesty and Insight
Morphoses x Giochi Preziosi


In the fascinating world of board games, "Truth Detector" stands out as a thrilling and innovative experience. Designed for children aged 7 and older, this game combines fun with the development of crucial soft skills. Equipped with a seemingly real device that includes a headband to detect brain activity, "Truth Detector" lights up in three colors – green for truth, yellow for nervousness, and red for lies. With a set of 500 diverse questions, the game promises endless entertainment. This article will delve into how "Truth Detector" not only provides fun but also fosters empathy and courage in young players.

Empathy: Understanding Beyond Words

"Truth Detector" is more than a game of discerning truth from lies; it's a journey into the realm of empathy. As players ask and answer questions, they learn to anticipate and understand how others might respond before the device reveals the answer. This anticipation requires players to put themselves in others' shoes, considering their feelings and perspectives. Such an exercise in empathy is invaluable for children, as it enhances their ability to connect with others, understand diverse viewpoints, and build stronger relationships (Smith-Flores, Bonamy, & Powell, 2023).

Courage: The Valor of Honesty

At the heart of "Truth Detector" lies the virtue of courage – the courage to speak the truth. In a world where honesty is often challenging, this game encourages children to embrace truthfulness. Answering questions honestly, especially when the device might indicate nervousness or untruth, requires bravery. This aspect of the game teaches children the importance of honesty and integrity, skills that are essential for their personal and social development (Haslip & Donaldson, 2020).

Cognitive and Social Skills Development

Beyond empathy and courage, "Truth Detector" also enhances cognitive and social skills. The process of understanding the questions, thinking critically about the answers, and interpreting the device's signals aids in cognitive development. Socially, the game provides a platform for interaction, conversation, and understanding social cues, which are crucial components of healthy develpment (American Psychological Association, 2017).


"Truth Detector" is not just a game; it's a tool for nurturing essential life skills in children. By combining technology with the timeless values of honesty and empathy, it offers a unique and engaging way for children to learn and grow. As they navigate through questions and answers, children develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others, laying a foundation for a more empathetic and courageous future.

This article was created by Morphoses, the leading edtech platform focused on soft skills development. Don't wait another second – secure a spot for your learner & enroll in one of our Curricula today! Explore our Curricula here.


Smith-Flores, A. S., Bonamy, G. J., & Powell, L. J. (2023). Children’s reasoning about empathy and social relationships. Open Mind, 7, 837–854. doi:10.1162/opmi_a_00109

Haslip, M. J., & Donaldson, L. (2020). How early childhood educators resolve workplace challenges using character strengths and model character for children in the process. Early Childhood Education Journal, 49(2), 337–348. doi:10.1007/s10643-020-01072-2

American Psychological Association. (2017). Cognitive and social skills to expect from 6 to 10 years. Retrieved from