The natural appeal of wooden toys!

The natural appeal of wooden toys!
Morphoses x Giochi Preziosi

The Wooden SEVI Sets: Nurturing Creativity and Life Skills Through Role Play

In the vibrant world of children's toys, the wooden SEVI sets stand out as a beacon of imagination and learning. With a diverse range of wooden sets including sushi, cake, tea, doctor's bag, and appetizers, these toys offer more than just entertainment. They are a playground for role play and pretend play, where creativity and life skills blossom. In this blog post, we'll explore how SEVI sets not only entertain but also foster essential soft skills in children, making them a valuable addition to any playroom.

The Natural Appeal of Wooden Toys

SEVI sets, crafted from high-quality wood, bring a unique dimension to children's play. Wooden toys are celebrated for their durability, safety, and sensory appeal, offering a tactile experience that stimulates a child's sense of touch and promotes sensory exploration (Yoshiaki Ito, 2021). The simplicity and open-ended nature of wooden toys like SEVI sets encourage imaginative and creative play, allowing children to invent and discover without the constraints of predefined outcomes (Cassaro Kids, 2021). Moreover, wooden toys are environmentally sustainable, making them a responsible choice for eco-conscious families. The inherent qualities of wood, such as its texture and weight, also contribute to the development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. By incorporating wooden SEVI sets into play, children not only enjoy a timeless and classic play experience but also reap the benefits of enhanced cognitive and sensory development.

Role Play: A Gateway to Empathy and Social Relationship Skills

Role play with the wooden SEVI sets is a journey into empathy and social understanding. As children engage in various roles, they step into shoes different from their own. This act of role-playing nurtures empathy, as children learn to understand and relate to various perspectives and experiences (Whitebread, Neale, & Jensen, 2018). It's not just about playing a part; it's about feeling and thinking like someone else. This empathy extends into enhanced social skills. Children learn to cooperate, share, and communicate effectively as they engage in collaborative play scenarios, laying a foundation for strong interpersonal skills that are crucial throughout life.

Creativity and Imagination in Pretend Play

The magic of the wooden SEVI sets lies in their ability to ignite the flames of creativity and imagination. When children mix and match different sets, they're not just playing; they're creating. They might combine the tea set with the doctor's bag to create a unique scenario, or blend the sushi set with the cake set for a whimsical feast. This freedom to create and innovate is at the heart of imaginative play. It encourages children to think outside the box, develop original ideas, and explore endless possibilities, fostering a creative mindset that is invaluable in both academic and real-world settings.

Cognitive Development Through Play

The wooden SEVI sets are more than toys; they are tools for cognitive development. Engaging in role play and pretend play challenges children to think critically and make decisions (Yogman et al., 2018). As they plan and execute their play scenarios, they're honing their cognitive skills. For example, deciding how to set up a tea party or figuring out the right tool to use from the doctor's bag involves problem-solving and decision-making, enhancing their cognitive abilities and preparing them for complex thinking and learning in the future.

Fine Motor Skills and Coordination

The physical aspect of playing with the wooden SEVI sets also plays a crucial role in development. Handling small pieces, organizing sets, and coordinating actions improve fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination (Ginsburg, 2007). These skills are essential for tasks such as writing, tying shoelaces, and other daily activities. The tactile experience of manipulating the various elements of SEVI sets helps in refining these motor skills, making playtime both fun and educational.


The wooden SEVI sets are a treasure trove of developmental benefits. They are not just toys; they are catalysts for nurturing a range of soft skills in children. From fostering empathy and social skills to enhancing creativity, imagination, and cognitive abilities, these sets play a pivotal role in holistic child development. Additionally, the improvement of fine motor skills and coordination is a significant advantage. The wooden SEVI sets are an exemplary example of how play can be both enjoyable and enriching, making them a must-have in the journey of growing up.

This article was created by Morphoses, the leading edtech platform focused on soft skills development. Don't wait another second – secure a spot for your learner & enroll in one of our Curricula today! Explore our Curricula here.


Cassaro Kids. (2021). Why Wooden Toys Are the Better (And More Sustainable) Choice for Your Child.

Ginsburg, K. R. (2007). The importance of play in promoting healthy child development and maintaining strong parent-child bonds. Pediatrics, 119(1), 182-191.

Yogman, M., Garner, A., Hutchinson, J., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. M. (2018). The power of play: A pediatric role in enhancing development in young children. Pediatrics, 142(3), e20182058.

Yoshiaki Ito. (2021). Are Wooden Toys Better for Development? Exploring the Cognitive Benefits.

Whitebread, D., Neale, D., & Jensen, H. (2018). The role of play in children's development: a review of the evidence. Retrieved from ResearchGate.